Sunday 22 November 2020

6 Reasons Why Most Girls Lose Interest In Men.

You may have seen or experienced a scenario where a girl who showed lots of interest in a guy from the very beginning of a relationship suddenly starts to behave negatively and giving cold shoulders after some time? Personally, i have seen a situation where a girl paid one of my friends a visit for the very first time, and after that day, she never came back again, neither did she pick her calls.

At first i thought she didn't like my friend or probably he is not the type of guy she's looking for. After some months had passed, i then saw this same girl in a shopping mall somewhere in another city picking some items. Then i walked up to her and introduced myself. Being very curious about the way she behaved, i had to ask her what happened that made her not to show up again.

It was after she explained what really transpired between she and my friend, i then realized that there are some certain things most guys do that makes most girls to lose interest in them, even on a very first date or visit. After i left her, i went straight to my PC and did my own research on this very topic. Because i felt the need to tell other guys who might be unknowingly making the same mistakes. After lots of searches, i came up with this below.

6 Reasons Why Most Girls To Lose Interest In Men.

1, Pushing For Sex.

The last thing most girls wanna do is to sleep with a guy they just met or paid a visit for the very first time. This was exactly what my friend did which made that girl to lose interest in him. Most guys are guilty of this very one too. This is also the reason why some girls don't like paying guys visits, because they believe that visiting a guy may result to sex, which they are not ready for yet. This behavior could also put a guy on a bad spot in a girl's mind. She will think that all what the guy wants is to sleep with her and then dump her; which in-turn, makes her to lose interest.

2, Showing Interest In Everyone.

There are some guys who are every ladies friend. Every minutes you must see them catching fun around ladies or having a lengthening conversation with them. Most women detest this behavior with passion. You have to understand that some women are extremely jealous whenever they see their man around other girls. They cannot stand it when they see their man frolicking with numerous females, and this can make them lose interest very quickly.

3, Low Confidence.

Confidence is one of the traits most women look forward to in men. Women generally like guys who knows what they want and go for it. They believe that guys with confidence can easily attain success. On the other hand, they detest guys with low confidence. Guys who wallow in self pity and blame others for their shortcomings. They also believe that guys with low confidence could easily blame them whenever something goes wrong in their relationship.

4, Pushing Too Hard.

Most girls also lose interest when they discover that a guy is pushing too hard to get them. Too hard in the sense that some guys always try to portray what they are not just to win a girl's heart. In the absence of the girl, they will be doing something differently and being their selves. Immediately they notice that the girl is around, they will fake styles. Faking styles to win a girl's heart will only leave you unhappy.

5, Treating Her Badly.

Of course, nobody wants to be treated badly in this life. Even people that treats others badly wouldn't want to be treated as such. So why do you think a girl will want to gain or develop interest in you when you disrespect her emotions. It is said that one good turns deserves another. If you want your girl to gain interest in you and not look elsewhere, then treat her well like every other good human beings would.

6, Acting Like A Kid And Being Aggressive.

There are some guys who are grown but still acts very childishly. They do not know when to ask certain questions or take certain decisions or actions. They always allows their emotions to override their sense of judgement negatively. Most women detest guys like this. A guy who cannot control his anger is also a no no for most women out there, because such guy could hit his woman at a slightest provocation someday.

So if you noticed that your woman is losing interest in you, or her love for you is no longer going the way you wanted it to go, then you might want to look yourself up. Better still, sit your woman down and ask her what is it that you do that is turning her off. I am sure she will be very happy to tell you her concern. God bless you.

Author: Osxaxs Edema.

Friday 20 November 2020

The Story Of A Man, Who Saw A Girl Through The University.


On this fateful day, a guy named Frank, went shopping in a mall. In the process of taking the stuffs he needed, he saw a very beautiful girl "Hi Pretty, my name is Frank" What's your own name? my name is Ade, she responded"

They exchanged pleasantries and started talking. After a fun-filled conversation, they agreed to meet on a date "Wow! Pretty, am glad you are here, you are welcome" he said. "thank you so much" Ade replied, and they sat down.

So, what do you do? Ade asked Mr. Frank. Well, i am a business man, i sell iron rods, he answered in a very broad voice. And you? he asked Ade. Jambite, she said. Mr Frank, being an illiterate doesn't know what Jambite means; what kind of business is that? he asked. "It's not a business" i just gained admission into the University.

Wow, congratulations! both of them became very happy with each other, and things started going very well. They fell in love and the both became 5&6.....Ade went to school the following month, and Frank could not bear her absence for too long due to love overflow.

They were like two love birds. They kept calling each other on phone every now and then not minding who is listening. They couldn't get enough of themselves. "Thank God! I have found the woman of my dreams" Frank said to himself.

Mr Frank started pumping money into Ade's education. "Honey! Our lecturer said we should pay for this and that" Frank footed the bills. "Boo Boo! Please send me money for handout and provisions" Boo Boo was there. In fact, on hearing that Ade called him boo boo, he became extra happy.

Fast forward to final year, Ade graduated from school with good grades. Mr Frank threw a huge party to welcome the love of his life back from school, and there was merry everywhere. I need to go home and spend some time with my parents, Ade said to Frank "Oh! that's okay my BeBe" Mr Frank responded in a very broad voice with massive joy.

After some hours, He dialed Ade's phone number to be sure that she arrived home safely, but her number did not connect. He tried several times but all to no avail. What's happening? He became worried and decided to go to Ade's place the next morning. On getting to her place, he was dumbfounded to hear that Ade's family had packed out of their apartment 3 months ago.

Ade was actually on her way to Abuja but lied that she was going home to meet her parents. She is already in love with a Senator's Son whom she met in the university she graduated from. They are about to get married.

On hearing this, Frank provoked and his eyes became red like fire. He never knew that he was actually doing a send-forth party for Ade. After numerous investigations, he was able to get the address of Ade's apartment in Abuja.

On the day of her wedding, Mr Frank showed up with a very short pistol, but before he could say Jack, the heavy security personnel present at the wedding venue shot at him and he died at the spot.

Sunday 1 November 2020

Don't Be Too Quick To Defend Your Friend.

Ladies, sometimes when your man tells you that he doesn't want a particular female friend of yours coming around the house, don't think he hates your friend, or he does not want you keeping a particular set of friends.
It could be that your friend is trying to have her way with him, and he is fed up. Not all men will tell you that a friend of yours is trying to have him; because, he might not want to destroy your business relationship, or whatever relationship you are having with her.
Instead of fighting and quarreling with him, why not sit him down and ask him with all sincerity, if there is any problem as to why he asked you to stop bringing a particular female friend of yours to the house or around him?
So many women have lost their lives and their husbands to friendnemies because they trusted too much. Not all that smiles with you or eat with you, truly loves you. Some are out there just to grab what belongs to you.
Next time, when your man say something you don't like about your female friend, don't be too quick to defend her. Even if you have known her from childhood, always try to read between the lines, because, you might just be protecting something precious that belongs to you.
©️ Osxaxs Edema
All Rights Reserved.

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