Monday 21 December 2020

8 Ways To Approach A Girl On The Road Without Getting Rejections.

Approaching a girl on the road can be very difficult for some guys because they tend to avoid the embarrassment they might get from any possible rejection. They will rather wait for a more conducive environment before making a move. This behavior has made so many guys lost the opportunity of having good women because they lacked the courage to approach and make their intentions known publicly.

It is because of situations like this, i have decided to write this article to tell us the eight necessary things to do when approaching a girl on the road for the very first time, and minimize rejections. I want you to also note that i am writing this article based on my own personal experience with women, and the conversation i have had with relationship experts. So let's go there!

Wooing a woman on the road is one of the easiest, if not the most easiest thing any man can do. All you need to do is know the necessary tactics and when to apply them. You must understand that women are more vulnerable than men. So they are always very at alert and security cautious whenever they are faced by a male stranger. But with these tactics which i am about to show you, you will be able get any single woman anywhere with ease.

1] Smile.

One of the things men can do for them to have smooth conversation when approaching a strange lady for the first time is smile. Always put on a bright and happy face anytime you want to approach a girl. This will not only make her feel relaxed, but it will also reassure her that you have not come to hurt or take advantage of her. Once you are able to make her feel comfortable with you, she will listen to whatever you have to say.

2] Use Please.

Some men have this mentality that they are more important than women simply because they are men. The society they grew in made them to believe that women should be answerable to them because they are stronger, which is not correct. Women are humans and they deserve to be respected too. This is why you should always say "please excuse me" whenever you are approaching a strange girl for the first time. This will make her feel respected and she will also see you as a gentleman.

3] Don't Look At Her Lustfully.

If you want your conversation to go smoothly with that girl you have stopped, you must try as much as possible not to look at her body sexually. As i have said before, women are very security cautious because they are very vulnerable to various attacks like sexual harassment. You might just freak her out and send the wrong signal if she caught you analyzing her body.

4] Don't Whistle Her.

A very good percentage of guys are guilty of this very one. They are fond of whistling a strange girl on the road hoping she will respond. Some girls hate that behavior with passion. If you do not know the name of the girl you are approaching, it is better you say "Hello Miss" whistling her on the road is very embarrassing and that could make her ignore and walk away from your position.

5] Don't Call Her Beautiful.

You see this word "Beautiful" girls hear it almost every minute of their entire day. Even to the extend that it sometimes irritates them. So when you approach a strange girl with that same line, you might appear boring to her. Instead of calling her beautiful, you could simply compliment what she is wearing. Something like her dress, earrings or even her pair of shoes. I bet you, she will appreciate it because women like guys who see beyond the fact that they are beautiful.

6] Don't Call Her Sexy.

Calling a woman you do not know from Adams sexy is highly disrespectful. That word alone has already identify you as someone who just want to have a piece of her. Not all women are actually down with that one-night-stand thing. Even if she is truly sexy, you do not have to remind her or tell her because she don't know you. So you have to be careful with your choice in words else you might just turn her off.

7] Don't Get Too Close.

As i have rightly said before, women are very security cautious whenever strange men come around them. Because of this they always mind who comes into their personal space. So if you are approaching a strange girl for the very first time, always make sure that you keep some distance from her. When you do this, you are indirectly assuring her that you have not come to harm her. She will feel secured and comfortable with you.

8] Don't Ask Her Multiple Question.

You must avoid asking her multiple questions as if you are a cop. Because to her you are just another random guy whose intention is not known yet. The much you can do is get to know her name and take her cell number. Don't go on that question and answer exercise, else, you might just irritate her away and you might never see her again.

One of the major reasons why some girls walk-out on men they do not know is because of safety, not that they are not actually interested. Which is why i said that your approach must matter a lot. If you strike her as a threat on your first move, she will run away from you. I hope this article helps? You can check some of my other articles on this blog and i promise you that your time will worth the while.

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