Friday 29 January 2021

8 Brutal Truth About Life After Wedding.

Marriage is a sacred and beautiful institution which God almighty designed for humans to enjoy. From the beginning of creation, after God had created man, he looked at him and said that it is not good for man to be alone. He then put man into a very deep sleep and made for him a helpmate from his rib. After Adam had woken up and saw Eve, it was recorded in the holy Bible that he was happy. It was because of this that a man must leave his parents at a certain age and find himself a wife. 

So in a nutshell, marriage was created to be enjoyed by both peers coming together to become one flesh. But over the years, we have heard so many challenges that have risen up in this beautiful institution! We have heard of situations where husbands rise up against their wives and vice versa. What actually changed? The truth is that this institution was actually meant to help build and tolerate one and another; but most people go into it to gain and fulfill their selfish interests.

Marriage is actually full of ups and down that you can never imagine! So if you are going into it based on your own selfish interest, then marriage is not for you. Because whatever you get out of it will be as a result of the sacrifice you put into it to make it work. If you want it to be a living hell or safe haven, it is solely up to you. So in essence, i will be writing about the eight brutal truth about life after wedding.


1} You will begin to see the reality and some hidden characters about your spouse. You must understand that when you're in a courtship, not all characters you will see in your spouse because he or she would try their possible best to make sure that they appear perfect before you. But after the wedding, sometimes you will see your spouse exhibiting funny behavior! How well you handle them and try to manage them until the both of you get along is solely up to you.

2} Marriage tests you in everyway possible! Can you be forgiven, endure long suffering and tolerate the excesses of your spouse? Sometimes when these challenges starts playing in, you would be forced to ask yourself that "how did you get yourself into this mess in the first place?" But you must rebuke such thoughts if you want your marriage to be very successful. Instead of allowing such thoughts to creep into your mind, use that energy to focus on what could be wrong at that point in time and look for a perfect solution to it.

3} Marriage can destroy you as individuals! The moment you allow negative thoughts to play into your head because your spouse is not living to your expectation, devil will start to have dominance over you; and you will begin to see nothing good in your spouse. Anything they do won't interest you anymore because your mind is full of negativity about them. You will begin to find solace in another person outside and the spirit of cheating will start to creep into your mind, which may eventually leads to destruction of your marriage. But if you put in your best into that marriage and make sure it works, the both of you will pass through any challenges like they're nothing.

4} Marriage can be a place of massive abuse. As time goes on, you will start to see in reality that you got married to someone who can kill you in your sleep. Especially if the person you got married to is authoritative and always ready to do anything to make you do his or her bidding. This situation affects the female folks mostly because they are seen as weaker vessels in our society. It will even get worse if the man is the sole provider of that household. He will derives joy in bullying the woman when he realizes that without him the woman can't survive. So, as a woman, you must look before you leap into marriage.

5} Sometimes you will get blamed for what is wrong in the marriage even though you are putting in your best to make it work! You know that moment when you are trying your best to get some things right, and the person you are doing it for turns around to accuse you that you are not been grateful? I am sure you know how frustrating such situation can be? That is what you may experience in your marriage. And if you are not careful, you might just lose the last fuse on your mind and explode. You might just give up on everything and walk away. But how well you endure and sort out the problem will determine how far that marriage will go.

6} You may not know what it really means to love and to hate until you are fully in marriage. Some of the love you may have experienced during courtship might just be a tip of the iceberg. Marriage can bring out the real love or the real hate in you or your spouse when faced with unbearable challenges. But in all that, you must try to push ahead because there are challenges everywhere! Devil may want to deceive you and make you feel that the alternative is better. Do not fall for it, put in more effort in your marriage and make it work. In all, try to see the positive side of life.

7} Marriage can make you and your spouse best of friends or worse enemies living in pretense under one roof. If you want to be best of friends with your significant other, or worse enemies, it solely depends on you. Like i have said earlier, your marriage will only be how you want it to be. Don't let your difficult situation get to the point where you will be overwhelmed, and instead of confiding with your spouse, you will start to see him as an enemy.

8} You must know that one of the easiest ways to die is marriage! This may sound odd but it is true. You may have seen or heard cases where a wife shot and kill her husband and vice versa. Things like this always happen in marriage where there is no genuine love and understanding. When a man or woman go into marriage because of selfish interest, occurrences like this are inevitable. You must learn to marry a person that compliments you if you must succeed in the marriage institution.

So in conclusion, your marriage will always be what you make out of it. But the first thing you must always consider when going into marriage is love. You must love the person you want to get married to genuinely, and be sure that he or she loves you back. Because the institution is not bed of roses. It is for better and for worse; and you will have to remain there to endure whatever challenges that comes your way provided they are not life threatening. So if you are planning on getting married because of material things, then, i think you are not yet ready for the race.

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