Wednesday 30 December 2020

8 Things To Do When You Crossover Into 2021 For You To Achieve Your Set Goal.

Today, i will be writing about eight things you can actually do when you crossover into 2021 for you to achieve your set goal. As you already know, few hours from now we will be saying bye bye to 2020 with excitement. Entering a new year has always been very blissful because we tend to create many new year's resolution and weed out the negative things that drew us back in the previous year.

Many people have been doing this new year's resolution for as long as i can remember. Some lives have actually changed for the better with this principle, while others haven't. What could be the reason for those whose lives haven't progressed, even though they do new year's resolution too? The truth is that such people have not taken serious actions to see that what they actually wished for themselves from the beginning of each new year to come to pass.

It is because of reasons like this one i am writing this article to tell us the things we can actually do to help us achieve great success as we cross into 2021. 2021 will be a very fresh beginning because it starts with "1" at the end. 'One' actually means first; and if you should do these eight things which i am about to mention, by the grace of God you will come out first in 2021 in Jesus Christ name, amen.

1] Write down the things you want God almighty to do for you in the year 2021 and make them plain. Habakkuk 2:2. If there is anything you are looking forward to achieve in the forthcoming year, spell them out and paste them where you can see them in your house.

2] After writing and pasting them, make sure you "PRAY" over them each and everyday when you wake up. Nothing can actually come into full existence without speaking words of faith into that thing. Prayer is the key to open every locked doors against your destiny and progress.

3] Start working towards them. Do not just pray over what you want God to do for you and go back to sleep. God said that he will bless the works of your hand. He didn't say that he will bless your sleep. Get busy with work and God almighty will bless whatever it is that you do for multiplication.

4] Avoid distraction. There are some persons who always get distracted in their zeal to achieve a goal in life. such people will pray for God to provide finance for them to get a particular thing done. But immediately that money comes in, you will see them purchasing things that are not relevant to their goal. Don't be among such people. Steer clear from distractions and remain focused.

5] Do not give up on the things you have written down. Yes, it might seems that what you have written is very impossible to achieve. Sometimes the year will even be on the second half and yet there are no signs of you accomplishing anyone. Do not give up because Jehovah is a God of signs and wonders. When we least expect that's when he always prove that he is God.

6] Always make sure to check anyone you have achieved so that you can see how far God has blessed you. When you do this, you will see and have more reasons to show gratitude to God almighty. The more you show gratitude, the more God will bless you and make it possible for you to achieve the rest on that list. A thankful soul equals a blessed soul.

7] In all the process of achieving your goals, never doubt God. What you are expecting God to do for you in 2021 might seems very impossible, and because of this disbelieve, you might want to question God and the process. Do not do this because it is highly dangerous. No matter how impossible the whole thing might turnout to be, always believe in yourself, believe in God and trust the process.

8] Be a giver. It is written in the holy bible that givers never lack at all. So while you are praying and hoping for God to fulfill your life goals as you work towards achieving them, always make sure that you give to beggars and the less privileged people around you. Nothing fasten the grace and blessings of God more than a generous and a genuine giving heart.

Make sure you do this before or immediately you crossover into the year 2021. And above all work hard, watch and pray and see how God will turn your life around in the forthcoming new year. I hope this helps you in achieving your goals or whatever it is that you are looking forward to achieve in Jesus Christ name, amen!

Monday 28 December 2020

Davido Is Pissed That Burna Boy Came To Mess With The Top 3 Algorithm - Peng Man

As you already know, the Nigerian Music Industry have grown into something very big that the whole world is very much interested in the Nigerian Afro beat brand. There are lots of good Musicians in Nigeria that are making things happen and putting the country in world map.

But of course, in hundreds, there must be one whom the people considered as their favorite musician. But in the case of Nigeria, it appears that the peoples favorite are three; Wizkid, Davido, and Burna Boy. For quite some time now, there have been rumors of disagreement between these three beautiful Musicians.

The rumor of the alleged quarrel between them has lasted for quite some time now without any of them coming out to debunk the claim or clear the air. So many people now believe that it could be true that they are really having some kind of beef and misunderstandings between themselves.

One of those people who actually believed this flying rumor about their quarrel is Peng Man. Peng man, who is a Twitter influencer, has been making some controversial comments and posts lately on Twitter and he has been contributing his own quarter of advise into nation building.

Peng Man, who has proven himself to be relevant in the Nigeria's Cyberspace, gave his own reason and opinion why there seems to be misunderstanding among the three finest musicians, especially between Davido and Burna Boy.

According to him, Wizkid has already secured the number one position in the industry and left the number two spot for Davido and Burna Boy to fight over. Davido is now pissed and angry that Burna Boy came to mess with the Top 3 algorithm, while Burna Boy on the other hand thinks that Davido doesn't deserve to be in the Top 3 spot at all.

Saturday 26 December 2020

He Married A Respectful Illiterate, But What He Got Wasn't What He Expected.

This fictional story made me remembered the popular saying that "the devil you know is better than the angel you don't know"

It was 8:00am that very Tuesday! And as usual, i had already prepared for the day's job. My job was not something to joke with because it was the only source of my income then. Even though the resume time for me was 9:00am, i always made sure that i resumed 8:30am every single day to avoid stories that touches the heart.

During these period, i was staying at Ring Road in Benin City. The place i lived was a peaceful community filled with different classes of people. Therefore i was opportune to see and mingle with some rich class and share some positive ideas with them. Out of all the rich people i had the opportunity to meet with, was a man called Mr. Obasohan.

This very man was someone who hates anything that gives him stress and lack of peace. All the while he lived in that community, he made sure that he minded his business and stayed out of trouble. You will never see him outside if not for something very important. He'd always zoomed in and out in his Mercedes with his beautiful girlfriend, named Felicia.

So there was this day i had an opportunity to converse with Obasohan that i will never forget. Because what he told me that day left me wowed. On this very day, we were just having a very nice discussion where something led to another, then we dabbled into relationship and marriage issues. We were sipping some alcohol while having this discussion, then out of nowhere, Obasohan made mentioned of his girlfriend, Felicia.

Felicia was a girl who had spent almost two decades with Mr. Obasohan. She was so caring and very generous. The only issue, which i believe was not an issue anyways, was that she likes standing her ground. Some times the both of them did yell at each other over who is right or wrong whenever there was misunderstanding. And this made me felt awful because they looked so good as couples.

So while we were having this discussion, out of nowhere he just told me that though he loved Felicia so much, he cannot marry her because she was too exposed for him. He said that Felicia questions his every moves and sometimes she does things differently from what he'd expected of her. This behavior of hers always gets him pissed off but being that he hates problem with passion, he always kept mute.

On hearing this i became very sad. I tried to convince him that from the experiences i have had with women, even though he is older than me, i believed that Felicia would make a very good wife. But i didn't stress on this too much because his class was way higher than mine and i did not want to ruin my friendship with him. So he did what pleased him.

After he had sent Felicia away on the bases that she lacked respect for him, Obasohan went straight to the village to marry a very beautiful and respectful illiterate, called Ngozi. This girl was so loyal, even more loyal than what Obasohan expected of her. She cooked so good that he was forced to cry out that he has seen the woman of his dreams. I became happy for him too cause i love seeing people happy regardless.

Many years passed and they lived happily together. But not until that very Tuesday morning when i heard a very loud quarrel coming out from Mr. and Mrs. Obasohan's duplex as i was going to work. Though i don't joke with my job but i couldn't walk pass without showing concern as a good neighbor.

When i got to their door, i knocked and knocked but there was no response so i headed straight to work and deal with my business of that day. As i was coming back from work later that Tuesday evening, i saw Mr. Obasohan soliloquizing. I greeted him and asked him what the problem was in the morning?

What he told me left me very speechless. He never knew that the respectful illiterate has been cheating on him with another man whom she was dating back in the village before Obasohan married her. According to him, what caused the quarrel in the morning was that he noticed that his important documents were not the same as they were the previous night.

After much questioning and investigation, he got to realized that Ngozi had already planned with his village boyfriend to do away with him. Their mission was to poison him and take his property. They had already forged all his documents except one very last one which Ngozi tampered with during the night while Obasohan was asleep. If they had succeeded in forging that last document, the next thing would have been to kill Obasohan.

According to him, he was so disappointed and felt betrayed. He never believed that Ngozi could do such to him because he'd always showered her with lots of money, love and other good things life can offer. It was at this moment he shouted "The devil one knows is far far better than the angel one does not know." then tears started dropping from his eyes. I simply told him to take heart and that he should handle the situation with wisdom....then i walked away.

Mr. Obasohan has since placed his respectful illiterate wife, Ngozi and her boyfriend under arrest awaiting when investigation will be completed for proper judgement to be passed and possible punishment to be served. He has since went back to beg Felicia, his ex-girlfriend for forgiveness but it was already too late. Though Felicia forgave him but she was already engaged to another man and they were planning their wedding.

Tuesday 22 December 2020

8 Things Most Girls Checkout In Guys At First Sight.

You may have heard the popular saying that "when a girl walk pass a guy," the guy tends to focus on her natural beauty and body structure. Men don't often consider what a girl wear because they are not wired to think that way. This obvious trait of men has made people to ask "what do women actually focus on in a guy when he walk pass them?"

I want to make this article very simple for us to have a great reading experience as we blast through. I will summarize and take it step by step for proper understanding. Without any further ado, below are eight things women pay pretty much attention to wherever a guy walk pass them.

1] Your Butt.

This may seem very odd but it is true. Some girls prefer guys with bigger butts. They like to show such guys off; especially in pool party or when he wears skinny jeans. Other girls love using it as pillow for head rest while they read books or watch movies.

2] The Way You Walk.

The manner in which you walk tells a lot about your personality. There are guys who walks as if they are afraid to step on ground. This is not what most women wants. They desire guys who walks like they own a bank. Shoulder high, face and heads up. These are some of the signs of a confident person.

3] Your Hair.

Yes, most women usually take a glimpse of a guy's haircut. This is because they prefer guys with clean shave. They also take a swipe at your beard to ascertain if they are well taken care of. If you are a guy who is trying to woo a girl but she is not responding, you may want to check your haircut!

4] Your Shoes.

As funny this may seem, it is also one of the things most girls checkout in a strolling random guy. They believe that a clean and good looking black pair of shoes reflects a guy's financial status.

5] Your Perfume.

How you smell matters a lot whenever a girl checks you out. If there is anything most girls detest most in any guy, that thing is fowl odor. It turns them off and chases them away. So if you want to be the pick of any girl at anytime, always bath yourself up and wear some good fragrance.

6] Your Height.

Naturally, some women prefer guys who are huge and broader than them. They always want to feel secured whenever they are around their man. Therefore, if you are tall and huge, you have more advantage of winning a woman's heart at first sight. I am not saying that short guys don't get beautiful women, no! What i am saying is that huge guys have more advantage.

7] Belt.

There is this thing about men waist belt that turn most girls off. There are guys who just don't know how to position the head of their belt very well. After dressing out to the street, they don't check their selves often to make sure that they are good to continue. As a guy, whenever you dress and tuck-in, always make sure that the head of your belt remains at the middle of your waist. What this means is that you are responsible enough to keep yourself in check.

8] Your Face.

In as much most girls want to be around handsome guys, some of them find it very difficult to settle with them. They will rather settle down with guys who are not too handsome. Women hate competing and fighting because of a man. So they believe that they will feel more at peace with moderate guys. I am not saying that handsome guys don't get good women, no. What i am saying is that some women find it difficult to trust them.

These are some of the things most girls check-out in guys at first sight. If you have any question, feel very free to ask.

Monday 21 December 2020

8 Ways To Approach A Girl On The Road Without Getting Rejections.

Approaching a girl on the road can be very difficult for some guys because they tend to avoid the embarrassment they might get from any possible rejection. They will rather wait for a more conducive environment before making a move. This behavior has made so many guys lost the opportunity of having good women because they lacked the courage to approach and make their intentions known publicly.

It is because of situations like this, i have decided to write this article to tell us the eight necessary things to do when approaching a girl on the road for the very first time, and minimize rejections. I want you to also note that i am writing this article based on my own personal experience with women, and the conversation i have had with relationship experts. So let's go there!

Wooing a woman on the road is one of the easiest, if not the most easiest thing any man can do. All you need to do is know the necessary tactics and when to apply them. You must understand that women are more vulnerable than men. So they are always very at alert and security cautious whenever they are faced by a male stranger. But with these tactics which i am about to show you, you will be able get any single woman anywhere with ease.

1] Smile.

One of the things men can do for them to have smooth conversation when approaching a strange lady for the first time is smile. Always put on a bright and happy face anytime you want to approach a girl. This will not only make her feel relaxed, but it will also reassure her that you have not come to hurt or take advantage of her. Once you are able to make her feel comfortable with you, she will listen to whatever you have to say.

2] Use Please.

Some men have this mentality that they are more important than women simply because they are men. The society they grew in made them to believe that women should be answerable to them because they are stronger, which is not correct. Women are humans and they deserve to be respected too. This is why you should always say "please excuse me" whenever you are approaching a strange girl for the first time. This will make her feel respected and she will also see you as a gentleman.

3] Don't Look At Her Lustfully.

If you want your conversation to go smoothly with that girl you have stopped, you must try as much as possible not to look at her body sexually. As i have said before, women are very security cautious because they are very vulnerable to various attacks like sexual harassment. You might just freak her out and send the wrong signal if she caught you analyzing her body.

4] Don't Whistle Her.

A very good percentage of guys are guilty of this very one. They are fond of whistling a strange girl on the road hoping she will respond. Some girls hate that behavior with passion. If you do not know the name of the girl you are approaching, it is better you say "Hello Miss" whistling her on the road is very embarrassing and that could make her ignore and walk away from your position.

5] Don't Call Her Beautiful.

You see this word "Beautiful" girls hear it almost every minute of their entire day. Even to the extend that it sometimes irritates them. So when you approach a strange girl with that same line, you might appear boring to her. Instead of calling her beautiful, you could simply compliment what she is wearing. Something like her dress, earrings or even her pair of shoes. I bet you, she will appreciate it because women like guys who see beyond the fact that they are beautiful.

6] Don't Call Her Sexy.

Calling a woman you do not know from Adams sexy is highly disrespectful. That word alone has already identify you as someone who just want to have a piece of her. Not all women are actually down with that one-night-stand thing. Even if she is truly sexy, you do not have to remind her or tell her because she don't know you. So you have to be careful with your choice in words else you might just turn her off.

7] Don't Get Too Close.

As i have rightly said before, women are very security cautious whenever strange men come around them. Because of this they always mind who comes into their personal space. So if you are approaching a strange girl for the very first time, always make sure that you keep some distance from her. When you do this, you are indirectly assuring her that you have not come to harm her. She will feel secured and comfortable with you.

8] Don't Ask Her Multiple Question.

You must avoid asking her multiple questions as if you are a cop. Because to her you are just another random guy whose intention is not known yet. The much you can do is get to know her name and take her cell number. Don't go on that question and answer exercise, else, you might just irritate her away and you might never see her again.

One of the major reasons why some girls walk-out on men they do not know is because of safety, not that they are not actually interested. Which is why i said that your approach must matter a lot. If you strike her as a threat on your first move, she will run away from you. I hope this article helps? You can check some of my other articles on this blog and i promise you that your time will worth the while.

6 Things To Do If You Catch Your Woman Cheating Instead Of Sending Her Away.

Cheating is a very painful experience many people don't want to have, especially when it is coming from the angle of a woman. In fact, i...