Wednesday 30 December 2020

8 Things To Do When You Crossover Into 2021 For You To Achieve Your Set Goal.

Today, i will be writing about eight things you can actually do when you crossover into 2021 for you to achieve your set goal. As you already know, few hours from now we will be saying bye bye to 2020 with excitement. Entering a new year has always been very blissful because we tend to create many new year's resolution and weed out the negative things that drew us back in the previous year.

Many people have been doing this new year's resolution for as long as i can remember. Some lives have actually changed for the better with this principle, while others haven't. What could be the reason for those whose lives haven't progressed, even though they do new year's resolution too? The truth is that such people have not taken serious actions to see that what they actually wished for themselves from the beginning of each new year to come to pass.

It is because of reasons like this one i am writing this article to tell us the things we can actually do to help us achieve great success as we cross into 2021. 2021 will be a very fresh beginning because it starts with "1" at the end. 'One' actually means first; and if you should do these eight things which i am about to mention, by the grace of God you will come out first in 2021 in Jesus Christ name, amen.

1] Write down the things you want God almighty to do for you in the year 2021 and make them plain. Habakkuk 2:2. If there is anything you are looking forward to achieve in the forthcoming year, spell them out and paste them where you can see them in your house.

2] After writing and pasting them, make sure you "PRAY" over them each and everyday when you wake up. Nothing can actually come into full existence without speaking words of faith into that thing. Prayer is the key to open every locked doors against your destiny and progress.

3] Start working towards them. Do not just pray over what you want God to do for you and go back to sleep. God said that he will bless the works of your hand. He didn't say that he will bless your sleep. Get busy with work and God almighty will bless whatever it is that you do for multiplication.

4] Avoid distraction. There are some persons who always get distracted in their zeal to achieve a goal in life. such people will pray for God to provide finance for them to get a particular thing done. But immediately that money comes in, you will see them purchasing things that are not relevant to their goal. Don't be among such people. Steer clear from distractions and remain focused.

5] Do not give up on the things you have written down. Yes, it might seems that what you have written is very impossible to achieve. Sometimes the year will even be on the second half and yet there are no signs of you accomplishing anyone. Do not give up because Jehovah is a God of signs and wonders. When we least expect that's when he always prove that he is God.

6] Always make sure to check anyone you have achieved so that you can see how far God has blessed you. When you do this, you will see and have more reasons to show gratitude to God almighty. The more you show gratitude, the more God will bless you and make it possible for you to achieve the rest on that list. A thankful soul equals a blessed soul.

7] In all the process of achieving your goals, never doubt God. What you are expecting God to do for you in 2021 might seems very impossible, and because of this disbelieve, you might want to question God and the process. Do not do this because it is highly dangerous. No matter how impossible the whole thing might turnout to be, always believe in yourself, believe in God and trust the process.

8] Be a giver. It is written in the holy bible that givers never lack at all. So while you are praying and hoping for God to fulfill your life goals as you work towards achieving them, always make sure that you give to beggars and the less privileged people around you. Nothing fasten the grace and blessings of God more than a generous and a genuine giving heart.

Make sure you do this before or immediately you crossover into the year 2021. And above all work hard, watch and pray and see how God will turn your life around in the forthcoming new year. I hope this helps you in achieving your goals or whatever it is that you are looking forward to achieve in Jesus Christ name, amen!

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