Saturday 2 January 2021

What Men Can Do To Be Sure That They Are The Father Of Their Children.

The rate in which men fathered children who are not theirs is very alarming in this present generation. And it might even get worse and more dangerous if proper measures are not put in place to curtail this evil.

A report has shown that most first child of the average Nigerian family are not owned by the men of those families. When some women gets pregnant outside wedlock, they tend to look at the men in their circle and take the pregnancy to the one whom they feel will be financially responsible enough to take care of them.

A man will be in his house observing his children and one will be behaving in a very funny way that will make him question his inner self. As a man, if you are not comfortable with your child's facial appearance and behavior, or you feel there is a course for alarm, then you need to do the needful bro! Get a DNA test done.

We have so many Jezebels in this generation parading their selves as house wives. Before I forget, women are not to be blamed in this alone. There are men in this society who were not properly trained by their parents too. I wonder why someone will see that a woman is fully married and still want to go after her?

Even in offices, we have badly raised male Bosses who are very fond of using job security as a bait to get into a woman's pant. They sexually harass their female workers knowing fully well that she is married with her ring sparkling from her finger.

The woman on the other hand, who is desperately in need of a job or to keep the present one she has, due to lack of employment in the country, will consider giving in to the demands of her Boss forgetting that he will definitely come back for more sex in the long run. A job that is built on sex will continued to sustained on sex.

When they get pregnant from multiple sex romp, they will end up bringing their Boss's child to their husbands. If you are a Boss and you are using job security to get sex from women, you need to stop. How will you feel if such behavior is meted out on your wife or female children? Treat others the same way you want to be treated.

Male Bosses are not alone in this evil act either. Even in our maternity homes and hospitals, such evil happens. I have heard stories of how Matrons/Patrons swap male for female children and vice versa without minding the future damage and trauma their actions might caused the family of their victims

"The simple solution to these problems is this: Men should be allowed to stay with their wives during child-bearing and also be given the opportunity to monitor the bathing or cleaning process of that child. After that, a DNA test should be carried out on that child alongside other tests like jaundice"

I believe, if these measures are put in place, it will save many marriages from destruction and also minimize extra marital activities. This will also save men from dying of heart attack, just like in the case of the recent FCMB saga. We have enough widows already in this present generation. We don't need more.

This has nothing to do with trust or not believing in your wife. It is about doing the right thing at the right time to avoid stories that touches the heart. This issue of men not being the biological father of one or more of their children needs to be handled with utmost urgency to avoid any further destruction of lives and families. SHALOM!!!

Osxaxs Edema

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