Monday 4 January 2021

What The Government Can Do To Minimize Paternity Fraud In Nigeria.


Paternity fraud in Nigeria has become all time high in this present generation. In recent times we have heard cases about how a husband is not the biological father of one or more of his supposed children. Such cases have either hindered some men from traveling abroad to seek asylum or even caused their deaths.

A recent report has shown that most first child of the average Nigerian family are not owned by the men of those families. When some women gets pregnant outside wedlock, they tend to look at the men in their circle and take the pregnancy to the one whom they feel will be financially responsible enough to take care of them and the unborn child.

This problem has become all time high in this present generation that if proper measures are not put in place to curtail it, things might get even worse and dangerous. It is because of this i have decided to write this article and pour out my own little idea on what can be done to minimize paternity fraud and extra-marital activities in Nigeria.

I want the Nigerian government to pass into law and make it possible for men to be in the labor room with their wives during child-bearing and monitor the process. Men should also be given the opportunity to monitor the bathing or cleaning process of that child, because i have heard stories of how some bad Matrons/Patrons swap babies in Maternity homes.

The Nigerian government should also subsidize the cost of DNA test and make it mandatory or compulsory for every new born babies to undergo in our hospitals and maternity homes. With this, men can easily option for a Paternity test to be carried out on his new child and be rest assured that the baby is actually his own to avoid stories that touches the heart.

We are in desperate times where some women no longer honor the Bible laws and instructions that governs the institution of marriage. So these desperate times must call for desperate measures to curtail this new trend. I believe if these measures are put in place in our hospitals, it will not only minimize paternity fraud, it will also reduce infidelity in married women and premature death in men too.

There are so many young widows in this present generation already and we do not need more. The rate in which young men die in Nigeria, and the numbers of families that have been destroyed due to this paternity fraud problem is not something to joke about at all. The Nigerian government should look into this issue and see how they can help to subsidize DNA paternity test and make it easy for every man to access.

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